Are these questions unanswered to you? Do you know where you're heading to?
I was just like that before! Lost, and hard headed. I thought I knew it all until I got my back pressed against a wall and was looking at all the mistakes I've done along the way.
My view wasn't pleasant, I had to find a way to help me grow mentally and transform me into a better person. Took me time but with a few steps that I followed, I became the girl that I never thought anybody would be proud of.
- Who are you?
Discovering yourself is the most amazing thing in life. By knowing yourself you will be able to identify your needs and wants, your purpose in life, and the type of friends you need around you.
-Knowing YOURSELF isn't only about finding out what makes you happy or mad but this step is crucial. It will help you move forward and help you grow mentally and give you a healthy life.
Some people don't believe in mistakes, but in my case the mistakes that I made shaped me into the girl that I am today. I found out that I don't need to act or dress in a certain way in order to be noticed! At all time BE YOURSELF! Don't follow the crowd. When confused, you won't realize whose footsteps you're walking on until you turn around and see all the dust you left behind. Talking to someone closed to you can help you find yourself. Take some time off, meditate, enjoy some quiet time. You will then get to the second step which is knowing your purpose in life.

- What are YOUR purposes?
Do you know what you were created to do? I didn't know who I was and what I wanted to do with my life until I discovered the real me. What I went through made me realize that I need to help those in needs.
Be a LEADER not a follower. If you keep following the crowd you will never know your purposes, you will always be the go-getter, and always will help build another person's dream. What about yours? Don't you have any? To become a leader you have to take a step back from the crowd you're in, study your surrounding, and use a strategy that is unknown around you. By doing something that you've never done before you will be able to put a difference between your needs and wants.
- What do You want? What do You need?

- Who can You rely on?
We all need someone to talk to, to confine in, to help us grow. But you should know who are the ones who will help you grow, not the ones who will destroy you. How can you be so sure? Who are they? Where are they? People who help you build your dream, people who are by your side through your bad times, people who share your laughs and cries are the ones you should start looking for and stick by. Know your friends, know which family member wish the best for you. Those ones will never criticize or question your actions, they will always give you advice. Never let go of these people.
With that neighboring you will grow the way you're supposed to. You will have an healthy living, your stress level will decrease because they will share your pain and help you carry your burden. You won't be alone, lost and confused.

Following these steps were not easy for me, I had no guidance so I had to find a way to mature and leave my old ways behind. I was not happy but knowing who I am, knowing my purpose and putting a difference between my needs and wants, finding my crowd helped me be a better person.
Anne Dorothée Constant
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